Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Moon

Capricorn - You may have been feeling as if the car of your life has been stuck in the mud lately and no matter how hard you tromp on the gas pedal, you just keep sliding slowly but inexorably backwards. But the next three weeks should bring you surprising opportunities to move forward with a career matter or a creative project, thanks to new developments involving the two good luck planets of the zodiac. First, Jupiter returns to direct motion in your 2nd House of income on Tuesday. Jupiter has been retrograde here since June; his return to forward motion should shake loose some money-making ideas and opportunities to increase your income. At the very least you'll figure out how to make more out of what you have. Second, Venus enters your 10th House of career on Wednesday for a three-week stay. Venus is the ruler of this area of your chart, making her exceptionally strong here. Keep yourself open to receiving good things because opportunities that just weren't there for the last little while should suddenly appear. Sunday's New Moon in this same part of your chart encourages you to rethink how you're approaching your life's work. Look at the big picture now and be honest about what's working and what isn't. You may realize

you're growing in a new direction and it's time to update your career paradigm.

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